Report: Photographer Told To Delete Images Of Kushner’s Visit With Israeli PM

  • 7 years ago
Despite the high-profile nature of Jared Kushner’s recent trip to Israel, it appears as though much of it will be kept out of the public eye.

Despite the high-profile nature of President Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner’s recent trip to Israel, it appears as though much of it will be kept out of the public eye.
The Guardian is reporting that “journalists were prevented from even filming Kushner’s arrival at [prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s office.” 
The piece also points out that “the Associated Press said one of its cameramen was prevented from filming the arrival of his convoy while another was ordered to delete his memory card of all images of the prime minister’s office.” 
Kushner is known for preferring to remain out of the spotlight despite his top role in the Trump administration which includes trying to broker peace in the long-conflicted region. 
It is for that purpose that Kushner met with long-time family friend Netanyahu and other senior officials on Wednesday, notes Reuters.
A video has been released of the two men greeting each other, with the Israeli prime minister commenting, “This is an opportunity to pursue our common goals of security, prosperity, and peace. And Jared, I welcome you here in that spirit. I know of your efforts, the president's efforts, and I look forward to working with you to achieve these common goals.” 
Kushner responds by saying, “Thank you. The president sends his best regards and it's an honor to be here with you.” 
Despite the clip, Reuters points out that “Israeli and U.S. officials provided no information on what was to be discussed and there are no plans for Kushner to speak to the media or take any questions, maintaining the circumspect profile he has established since Trump took office.”
