Middle School Students Opt Out Of Posing For Photo With Paul Ryan

  • 7 years ago
An 8th grade class trip to the U.S. Capitol became particularly noteworthy when dozens of students opted out of participating in a photo with House Speaker Paul Ryan.

On Thursday, 8th grade students from New Jersey’s South Orange Middle School descended upon Washington, D.C., as many classes do.
Their visit to the U.S. Capitol became particularly noteworthy when "dozens of the 218 students on the trip" opted out of participating in a photo with House Speaker Paul Ryan, reports the Washington Post.
Those who chose not to stand beside the speaker had a number of reasons for declining the opportunity, notes the Village Green, a New Jersey news site.
According to the media outlet, Louisa Maynard-Parisi, one of the students, said, “I didn’t want to be in [the picture] because he believes in most of what Trump believes in.”
Matthew Malespina, another 8th grader from the school, explained, “I can’t take a picture with someone who supports a budget that would destroy public education and would leave 23 million people without healthcare.” 
Public reactions to the students who chose not to stand with the speaker were mixed. Many lauded their strength of conviction, while others blasted their actions as a show of disrespect and evidence of bad parenting.
WABC reports that "students say the speaker left entirely unaware of the eighth grade dissidents watching from a distance."
