Report: Melania Trump Doesn't Think Too Highly Of Sean Spicer's Performance

  • 7 years ago
Though first lady Melania Trump has remained mostly in New York during her husband’s first few months as president, she has reportedly been keeping a close eye on the media’s portrayal of him and his administration.

Though first lady Melania Trump has remained mostly in New York during her husband’s first few months as president, she has reportedly been keeping a close eye on the media’s portrayal of Donald Trump and his administration. 
According to Politico, “She has raised concerns that some on his communications and press team aren’t doing enough to defend him, according [to] aides and sources close to the president.”
Melania has specifically pointed to the inadequate performance of White House press secretary Sean Spicer, indicated one source.
The piece adds that “She’s been especially troubled by background quotes in which West Wing aides criticize the president, and she’s called the president to discuss it.” 
In fact, on Friday, the Daily Beast quoted a person described as a “senior administration official who also worked on Trump’s campaign” as saying about Trump, “Every day he looks more and more like a complete moron. I can’t see Trump resigning or even being impeached, but at this point I wish he’d grow a brain and be the man that he sold himself as on the campaign.”
Trump himself has complained about the amount of leaks being made to the media, at one point, even accusing his predecessor, former President Obama of being behind them, notes CNN.
Also, Trump loyalists are said to be focusing less on the daily controversies coming out of the White House, and more on what the Associated Press calls “a plot to undermine him at every turn.”
The first lady is currently accompanying the president on his first foreign trip; she said in a statement beforehand, “This will not just be an opportunity to support my husband as he works on important matters of national security and foreign relations, it will also be my honor to visit and speak with women and children from different countries, with different perspectives.”
Meanwhile, Spicer's job has been rumored to be at risk for some time now. 
According to another Politico report, the president is considering cutting back on Spicer’s public appearances. 
That plan reportedly includes fewer press briefings in general and possibly even reassigning Spicer to a more behind-the-scenes position.
