Ninja Gaiden Fandub Episode 1 Special Edition

  • 7 years ago
Hey there ladies & gents I am back posting some of my older work and this is from my Fandub of the Cinematics of the Original Ninja Gaiden game for the NES back in 2009. While this production did have some problems while I was working on it I do feel that this turned out well. (This was also IIRC the first production that I made with AVS Video Editor and one of the times where the program actually worked well for me.) Anyways here is the cast for this production...

(*= Filled in for one line)

Ryu & Ken Hayabusa- U-1/AlphaProto
Irene Lew- Maria Vu, *Ayumi-Chan
Walter Smith- Drifter XG
Green Enemy Ninja- Pokejedservo
Foster's Henchman- Geist Seig
Foster- Sinowbeat/River Kanoff
Jaquio- Bomberman61, *Pokejedservo
Bloody Malth- ShockDingo

And why is this video called "Special Edition" you ask? Simple, not only did I slightly increase the resolution I also added in the Blooper Reel for Episode 1 as well, granted a good portion of it is U-1 screaming in front of a microphone but there is some other stuff here as well. Still here is my fandub of the 1st Ninja Gaiden game for the NES' cinematics and I hope you all enjoyed it.
