Body Intelligence Series WISDOM Creating space for NEW ways of LIVING mind EMOTIONAL video 1 of 2 Depression

  • 7 years ago
Understanding how when we feel dis-empowered - that shuts down elements inside. When we treat people like we are their rescuer then they become the victim relying on the rescuer to fix them.

In reality the therapist needs to become their partner who walks with them - walks through the apparent failures. When you walk with your client you would never interfere. Therapist learns to observe without the thought of fixing the client..Just to be there to observe. As the therapist observes, the client releases their hold on self protection.
This releases resistance to seeing life for what it really is. When you see life for what it is - you can determine who to bring in to share your vision.
Alone we cannot achieve anything. Look at Elon Musk. He is not doing it alone. He has a vision; her brings in people with the best skills & BEST ATTITUDE to make it happen. As he says attitude is more valuable than skill. A person with great attitude and certain skills will always find a way to better themselves. A person who relies purely on their skills often has limited vision..
