A Mother-Daughter Duo Spreads Happiness With Their Amazing Creation

  • 7 years ago
Words are powerful; and this message runs deep into the heart of mother-daughter run business, Meredith's Jars Of Joy. The inspiration for their business came about after a fallout between Meredith and her childhood best friend left her heart-broken. Pam, being the loving mother she is, wanted to help!

Using a simple, spiritual practice, Pam placed a big glass bowl of inspirational quotes on her daughters' desk, in hopes that she would read one each day, but they sat untouched for over a month! But after much reluctance, Meredith eventually obliged and... it changed her life! "The words that I read were exactly what I needed to hear in that moment, on that day!" declares Meredith.

Not only did the quotes help Meredith, but they ignited a fire in her to help others. Meredith and Pam started packaging jars of 30 quotes and Meredith handed them out to classmates and eventually it grew into something bigger than they anticipated. "It's amazing to me how many people's lives we've touched all over the country" said Pam Robertson.

A portion of Meredith's Jars Of Joy proceeds goes to Family Promise: a nation in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future together. Learn more here and to get your Jars Of Joy visit: http://www.meredithsjarsofjoy.com.
