This is what airports in the year 2040 might look like

  • 8 years ago
LONDON — A U.K. company has released a concept of what airports might be like by the year 2040, and they may be a lot more efficient and passenger-friendly than the ones now.

According to the company, passengers will be expected to check-in via self-service desks, which include biometric scanners that can scan passengers’ facial features, iris patterns and fingerprints in order to verify their identities.

After check in, a biometric token will be issued and stored in the passenger's smartphone that serves as a boarding pass and ID. Luggage can be dropped at drop-off points.

Laser molecular body scanners can detect even tiny-quantities of dangerous materials in passengers’ clothing or their luggage without the need for a body search.

Passengers may buy duty-free goods from virtual shopping stations and have the goods delivered to their homes. However, passengers can still get help from virtual assistants when the airport enters self-service phase.

Airport control is likely to be operated remotely outside the airport, with staff monitoring live video footage of the airport, similar to the system introduced Sweden. Other technologies, such as biometric scanners, are currently being trialled at Heathrow and Schiphol airports.
