B'Tselem: Masked Attackers - A-Tuba

  • 16 years ago
In January 2007, B'Tselem launched "Shooting Back", a video advocacy project focusing on the Occupied Territories. We provide Palestinians living in high-conflict areas with video cameras, with the goal of bringing the reality of their lives under occupation to the attention of the Israeli and international public, exposing and seeking redress for violations of human rights. The Jundiyeh family live in a-Tuba, one of the most remote areas in the South Hebron Hills. In this first attempt at filming by the Jundiyeh children - reflected in the shaking camera - the children film settlers from the nearby Ma'on settlement (wrapped in white prayer cloths) throwing stones at them on their land (11 Aug. 07). When the settlers spot the camera, they cover their faces and retreat. www.btselem.org
