Slayers and Soul Eater Audioplay VA Cast Previews
  • 7 years ago
Hi folks, Pokejedservo here, and this vid gives you a preview of the voice casts for my upcoming audioplay productions "Slayers the Motion Picture: Alternate End Scene" and "Soul Eater: The Visit". Here is the complete voice cast for both...

Slayers the Motion Picture: Alternate End Scene

Lina Inverse- Mippa (US: bblackroses, dreamscancometrue, Spiritkitten, Dani)
Naga the Serpent- samsuperior (US: dreamscancometrue, Aaryln, Dani, bblackroses)
Shampoo- aimeecort (US: Aaryln, Dani)

Soul Eater: The Visit (which is at 3:26 in case if you were only interested in that)

Soul Eater Evans- vindikator (US: ross-xvi, rhyms, cartoon68)
Ragnarok- tylerva (US: Papa_Manatee, Pokejedservo)
Spirit Albarn- Papa_Manatee (US: Pokejedservo)
Lord Death- Pokejedservo
Death the Kid- itspw (US: Pokejedservo)
Maka Albarn- kanen (US: morgsbunneh, morganrsciacca, rendakid, nekokisa)
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa- dani (US: harukatsumi, the-sky-is-ablessing-in-disguise, spiritkitten, Aaryln)
Liz Thompson- Aaryln (US: rawrchild, samsuperior, kokobro, rendakid)
Patty Thompson- aikalockheartVA (US: Spiritkitten, morgsbunneh, nerdycatgamer, morganrsciacca)
Blair- morganrsciacca (US: Spiritkitten, Aaryln, Aimeecort, dani)
Black Star- spiritkitten (US: 51kitten88)
Crona- anajo skylark (US: sakasajinei, spiritkitten, distantgalaxy, pistacchieo)