Adnan Oktar: Our nation made history against the coup-attempt

  • 8 yıl önce
Our people have overcome a great hardship. May Almighty God grant our people health, welfare, and prolong their lives. May God show them guidance and bestow His Holy Light on them. Why did such a thing occur? Because we are in the End Times. This is what Almighty God has preordained in destiny. But the bravery of our people is legendary. I do not know of any other nation like the Turkish nation in the world. I always say that every single one of our people is stalwart. Furthermore, these are our precious soldiers; we only treat them with love and compassion. These are the children that were raised by our people; they are our sons. As you see, they are leaning on our police officers. They were told that there was going to be a military drill and they left their barracks. What kind of a military drill? Why would they attempt something like this? What is the meaning of all these? This is irrational. By the way, our broadcast was interrupted just like it was during the Gezi incidents. But it is still possible to make our broadcast via Internet, which is a good thing. It offers another means in case of emergencies.


May God bless our people, they are valiant. Our politicians are also wonderful people; Mr. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu gave a very grounded speech, just like Mr. Devlet Bahçeli made firm statements. And the statements of those two esteemed people settled the matter. But why they would feel the need to do something like this is baffling; it is an inexplicable, a metaphysical phenomenon. Why would you attempt to carry out an action that people do not support?

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