The exact solution of the PKK issue lies in scientific studies

  • 8 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: Marxist, Leninist ideology is the work of a fallacious philosophical, scientific endeavor. It should be responded with a proper scientific study. The government does not do this. There is a grave danger. I am telling them, but they do not listen. The government should carry out an anti-Marxist, anti-Darwinist, anti-Stalinist study. Just like medicine curing a disease, just like water extinguishing the flames, this kind of study will solve the problem for good. If they are not able to do this themselves, then they should let us do it. They should let us use TRT 6 and TRT HD for this purpose. They broadcast pointless programs all day long. Of course, the religious topics discussed are surely beyond that. The rest is a waste of time. This problem can be completely solved through a cultural counter-propaganda. It has not been practiced world-wide, yet it is the most effective method. Even though Marxism is an outdated philosophy, in the absence of a proper response, it is pres
