1 gram of DNA can store as much information as 1 trillion CDs

  • 8 yıl önce
KARTAL GOKTAN: Mr. Oktar, as you know we have hundreds of trillions of cells inside our body. Every cell holds a nucleus and inside that nucleus is a databank containing the information about us called DNA. And within a single DNA molecule that is invisible to naked eye resides information a million encyclopedia pages can hold, masha'Allah. This is the absolute proof of the existence of God.

ADNAN OKTAR: This cell phenomenon is truly astonishing. I am amazed at how people manage to remain unimpressed by God's handiwork upon hearing such scientific statements. They cannot realize how God hides the proof of His existence within His creations. This is what our friend refers to. If it was so obvious, we would be no different than angels. Creating mankind would have no meaning. There has to be contradicting evidence so that we won't become angels. Otherwise, we would be obliged to believe in His existence. God would write "Laa ilaaha illaAllah Muhammadan Rasulullah" i