5 things to know ahead of New York's primary

  • 8 years ago
Can I still change parties? Because of New York’s arcane voter-registration laws, you had to change your party enrollment by Oct. 9 of last year to vote in a different party’s presidential primary this year. How can I found out if I'm registered and where to vote? The state Board of Elections has a database you can check at voterlookup.elections.state.ny.us/votersearch.aspx. Or you can contact your county Board of Elections. What will I see on the ballot? For Republicans, it’s easy: You will cast a vote for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich. For Democrats, voters will choose for their preferred nominee: Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton.

But they will also be asked to vote for delegates. What's at stake? In all, 95 Republican delegates and 291 Democratic delegates are up for grabs. What's it all mean? A Republican presidential candidate has to get to 1,237 delegates nationwide to capture the nomination. The Democratic candidate has to get to 2,383 delegates nationwide.