Hundreds injured on the Greece-FYROM border

  • 8 years ago
Migrants and refugees storm the border
FYROM police fire tear gas in response
More than 250 are injured
“Dangerous and deplorable” – Greece

“We were provoked” – FYROM

What has happened?

Hundreds of migrants and refugees have been injured during a confrontation with police on the border between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).

Eyewitnesses say FYROM police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the crowds on the Greek side of the fence separating the two countries.

Crowds had gathered at the fence near the camp in Idomeni.

Eyewitnesses say a small group tried to talk to the Macedonian border officials.

The officials refused to open the border and the group became angry, bystanders say.

Migrants in #Idomeni tried to break through border fence this am, were countered by tear gas.#Greece #RefugeeCrisis— Yannis Koutsomitis (@YanniKouts) April 10, 2016

Some started to make their way towards th
