Corrupted Republican Establishment RINO's are in bed with Demo-rats

  • 8 years ago
Corrupted Republican Establishment RINO's have practically been in bed with Demo-rats for years, both receiving substantial "contributions" from the likes of George Soros and Islamofascist, terrorist-funding Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, and Iran, also evidenced by the corrupted actions of Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, et al. Therefore, it should NOT be too surprising to see that the Establishment RINO's do NOT care if Demo-rats win the election, because they both are essentially on the same side. On the other hand, non-Establishment Republicans and outsiders like Trump and Cruz will likely put a stop to whatever sources of ill-gotten gains the RINO's have been enjoying over 2 decades now. Actions speak louder than words, indeed.
