'Don't take it so seriously'

  • 8 years ago
Lady Gaga's tribute to David Bowie at Monday's Grammys wasn't exactly a hit.
Gaga surged through 10 Bowie songs in just over 6 minutes, leaving many viewers feeling like they just walked in on a Bowie superfan's karaoke session than a reverent tribute to one of the most important music icons in history.
And Bowie's son, Duncan Jones, was one of them, judging from what he tweeted after Gaga's performance: "overexcited or irrational, typically as a result of infatuation or excessive enthusiasm; mentally confused."
Damn it!
What IS that word!?
Longtime Bowie collaborator Nile Rodgers, who not only played guitar during the performance but also directed it, defended the medley on Twitter early Wednesday morning.
When someone said they found the whole thing a "slap in the face," he said "we did what we thought and still think was right in our short time slot."
When someone questioned whether he knew The Thin White Duke at all, he maintained they had an "amazing relationship.
