emcee meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
noun; Ehm-Cee.

Derived from the original abbreviation "MC," now used as the generic term for anyone who speaks over a beat, or performs songs that could be termed "hip-hop." Afrika Bambaataa and his contemporaries at the Universal Zulu Nation were the first to exemplify this term.
Originated as a term for the only individual at a party who could speak on the microphone while the DJ (Disk Jockey) was looping the hook or the beat. Various individuals claim that MC stands for the following:

1: Master of Ceremonies, generally the speaker presiding over a formal gathering, or the host of a Jamaican gameshow.
2: Move the Crowd. Originally proclaimed by the legendary emcee Rakim (of the group Eric B. and Rakim) on his 1986 urban hit "Eric B. Is President;" to Rakim, an MC was any rapper who was able to control the crowd that he was presiding over.
3: Microphone Controller.
4: Mic Checka

Et cetera.

emcee definition by Urban Dictionary
