camp meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
I felt obligated to post this definition of 'camp' since I believe it to be the most accurate. This is borrowed from

1. something that provides sophisticated, knowing amusement, as by virtue of its being artlessly mannered or stylized, self-consciously artificial and extravagant, or teasingly ingenuous and sentimental.

2. a person who adopts a teasing, theatrical manner, esp. for the amusement of others.

3. An affectation or appreciation of manners and tastes commonly thought to be artificial, vulgar, or banal.
4. Banality, vulgarity, or artificiality when deliberately affected or when appreciated for its humor: "Camp is popularity plus vulgarity plus innocence"
adj. Having deliberately artificial, vulgar, banal, or affectedly humorous qualities or style: played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect.

So you can see, camp, as it was originally known as and still, in my opinion, most accurately, has nothing to do with being gay.

camp definition by Urban Dictionary

