Cyber Monday, Online Retailing and Ecommerce Defined

  • 16 years ago,
SalemGlobal Internet Website Marketing is the leader in national and local new york ecommerce marketing and consulting. We have been online since 1997 and created our first store in 1998. For years many people didn't trust selling products online because they were afraid that it wasn't secure, their credit card would be stolen and frankly speaking they would not get their products and gifts that they ordered.

But along the way of the Internet someone came along and declared that "commerce" is king and not necessarily "content." In the year 2007, we here at SalemGlobal recognize that it is actually the marriage of content together with commerce that makes selling and buying online so successful.

Traditionally speaking, in the world of commerce, Thanksgiving marked the day that people started counting down to Christmas. And since Christmas was, has been, and always will be the day and time of year that people are in the mode of "it is better to give than to receive," shopping started at an all time high vs. the rest of the year.

Markets, shops and stores started recognizing this fact and also started their specials and sales at this time to lure buyers into their doors.
Today in the year 2007, sales are now starting at 5am, 4am even 12 midnight on what is now know as "black" Friday.

Now a new phenomena has started. More people than ever are now buying online. Not over the weekend when they are traveling and spending quality time with their families, but on the Monday when people come back to work and their employer's computers. Why brave the malls and elbow your way to the cashier when you can order from the comfort of your cubicle or desk or office using your laptop or desktop computer. And why fight with others on your own time when you can do it on your bosses time. Cyber Monday has finally arrived when online ordering and shopping has peaked. Cyber Monday gives the online buyer enough time to not only get ...
