It is tyranny that Thailand says they will send 250 Rohingya back to sea

  • 8 yıl önce
BÜLENT SEZGİN: Mr. Adnan, 259 Muslim Rohingya brothers  escaped from the persecution in Myanmar to Thailand by  sea. Now, the Thai police say that they will send these people back to sea.


ADNAN OKTAR: You see how immoral, how cruel, how evil they are? This is outrageous. What they are basically saying is that they will kill these people, just like that. [As this is] what sending people back to the sea means.  How can they have such a cruel soul? Their souls are completely emptied. Turkey wouldn't even imagine doing something like this. But, you see, people there do things that even animals would not do; even animals would not do this. Even an animal, when its baby falls into the water, jumps into the water and rescues it with its mouth. These people do not even have the mind or the conscience of an animal. Worthless men. It makes me sick.