Donald Trump on Obama's speech: 'Is that all there is?'

  • 9 years ago
President Barack Obama's Oval Office address to the country Sunday did little to impress one of his loudest critics in the race to replace him.
In a rare prime-time speech, Obama called the shootings in San Bernardino, California, an "act of terrorism."
He prodded Congress to adopt new restrictions on assault weapons and ban people who are on no-fly lists from purchasing firearms.
And he urged Americans against associating terrorism with all Muslims - even as he said that extremism in some communities is "a real problem that Muslims must confront without excuse."
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump, who had promised to live-tweet the speech, came to the quick conclusion, "We need a new President - FAST!"
The real estate mogul had little else to say other than, "Is that all there is?"
In other tweets, Trump excused Obama for reading a prepared speech off of a teleprompter, but said he hoped Obama wouldn't criticize Second Amendment gun rights.
