Aleanca Kuq e Zi do te jete një prej partive te reja qe do ti shtohet garës elektorale te vitit 2013. Kreshnik Spahiu ne emisionin "Intervista", ka pranuar se ekziston mundësia qe kjo lëvizje te shndërrohet ne parti, te garoje ne zgjedhje dhe sipas tij momenti me i përshtatshëm për këtë është kuvendi qe do te mbahet ne muajin maj. Sipas Spahiut, ky moment do te përcaktojë edhe karrierën e tij, pasi përfshirja zyrtare e tij ne këtë parti te re do te shoqërohet edhe me dorëheqjen nga posti i nënkryetarit te KLD. Spahiu ka theksuar se shtyllat baze te programit te Aleancës Kuq e Zi do te shpallen ne 17 janar dhe prioriteti kryesor do te jete bashkimi kombëtar. Spahiu iu ka dhënë fund zërave për një lëvizje te përbashkët politike me Bamir Topin duke pranuar se ata u përkasin rrymave politike te ndryshme e për rrjedhoje edhe partive te ndryshme. Spahiu ka shpalosur vizionin e tij për një formacion te ri politik i cili do te shtrihet përtej kufijve te vendit e do te përfshijë shqiptaret e Maqedonisë e Kosovës.
Black Red Alliance will be one of the new parties that will be added to the electoral contest of 2013. Kreshnik Spahiu to show "interview", admitted that there is a possibility that this movement to become the party to run in elections and in his time with this is suitable for assembly to be held in May. According to Spahiu, this moment will define his career even after his official involvement in this new party will be accompanied by the resignation from the post of deputy to the HCJ. Spahiu said that the basic pillars of the Alliance program, Red and Black will be announced in January 17 and priority will be national unity. Spahiu to put an end to speculation about a common political movement with ball Bamir acknowledging that they belong to different political currents and consequently the different parties. Spahiu has unveiled its vision for a new political formation that will extend beyond the national boundaries would include Macedonia and Kosovo Albanians.
Black Red Alliance will be one of the new parties that will be added to the electoral contest of 2013. Kreshnik Spahiu to show "interview", admitted that there is a possibility that this movement to become the party to run in elections and in his time with this is suitable for assembly to be held in May. According to Spahiu, this moment will define his career even after his official involvement in this new party will be accompanied by the resignation from the post of deputy to the HCJ. Spahiu said that the basic pillars of the Alliance program, Red and Black will be announced in January 17 and priority will be national unity. Spahiu to put an end to speculation about a common political movement with ball Bamir acknowledging that they belong to different political currents and consequently the different parties. Spahiu has unveiled its vision for a new political formation that will extend beyond the national boundaries would include Macedonia and Kosovo Albanians.