{NM!P} 《歌ってみた》Fushigi Musume- Pyoko Pyoko Ultra

  • 9 years ago
Fushigi Musume's 4th single's A side is finally out! I can't believe I put up the information for this single 6 months ago! (0o0) But then again we hadn't even started the auditions for then next generation yet. We ended up with a 5th and 6th gen debut here (it took so long because I had to find a new Haruna just after the 5th gen, and she joined her own gen). XD

Please welcome the 5th & 6th generation~!:
Aqua [as Kudou] (5th gen)
Mia [as Ikuta] (5th gen)
Suki[as Satou](5th gen)[1st and last single,Suki felt she couldn't keep up with Satou's voice]
危機/Crisis [as Suzuki(Kanon)] (5th gen)
Sei [as Iikubo] (6th gen)

Such an improvement from our 1st single (Only You), don't you agree? X3
I'm sorry for my bad timing skills in the mixing.

Ponta [as Niigaki]
Kaori [as Michishige]
Erin [as Tanaka]
Aiko [as Mitsui]
Sei [as Haruna]
Sarah {covering for Rika} [as Fukumura]
Mia [as Ikuta]
Sayu [as Ishida]
Mia [as our temporary Sayashi for this single and our next]
危機/Crisis [as Suzuki(Kanon)]
Suki [as Satou]
Aqua [as Kudou]

Video mixing: Ponta
Audio mixing: Ponta


