God appreciates martyrdom

  • 9 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: What God likes most is when His servants get martyred. He sees the highest level of love in it. But the person should intent to do it, it will not happen accidentally. In other words, he will sincerely say “my God, I want martyrdom from you”. When time comes and he gets martyred, that is what God likes most; the highest level of love, because he has sacrificed his life for God. Isn’t one’s life the most valuable? “My God, you made me love my life and I love you more than my own life” he says, “My life is Yours, I am Yours.” That is what it means. For this reason, God keeps martyrs in a different location. In other words, He doesn’t kill them, they don’t know death. If they experience death, they would experience it in a very nice way but God doesn’t make them experience it. In the world of martyrs, their souls are taken afterwards. Their souls will be taken all together. If you could call it experiencing d
