Si El Norte Fuera El Sur /Arjona

  • hace 18 años
"I can honestly say that music has had more of an impact in my life than the schooling I received. I know Fresno State is no UCLA or Berkeley, and it’s no knock on the education I received at “State” because I learned so much from the professors in the School of Social Science (Interestingly my favorite professor attended UCLA as an undergrad and finished his doctorate at Berkeley)…but I digress…My outlook has been influenced by the music I listen to. Besides Zack de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine (and many others like the band Maná), another musician that has influenced me immensely is Ricardo Arjona. Just listen to the words of this Guatemalteco and you too will understand". --Gustavo Rojo Dot Com

"Arjona may be having a presentation at La Feria de Cozumel this year, you can count on me being there". --Aleksu

