Throwing Money at Cyber Security Won't Solve the Problem
Throwing Money at Cyber Security Won't Solve the Problem
swissnex San Francisco - swissnex San Francisco
The data stored on personal computers and passed around through digital communications has never been as threatened as it is today. Hackers, governments, and companies who seek access to our digital lives are often a step ahead no matter what protections are developed.We invite you to an evening dedicated to the cybersecurity industry. Hear from encryption experts, developers at Open Whisper Systems, and a CERN spin-off called ProtonMail that just raised $2M to help protect email. Learn why we still get hacked everyday and how cybersecurity businesses are mobilizing to protecting us from the threats of the online world now and into the future.
swissnex San Francisco - swissnex San Francisco
The data stored on personal computers and passed around through digital communications has never been as threatened as it is today. Hackers, governments, and companies who seek access to our digital lives are often a step ahead no matter what protections are developed.We invite you to an evening dedicated to the cybersecurity industry. Hear from encryption experts, developers at Open Whisper Systems, and a CERN spin-off called ProtonMail that just raised $2M to help protect email. Learn why we still get hacked everyday and how cybersecurity businesses are mobilizing to protecting us from the threats of the online world now and into the future.