Colombia FARC fighters end truce after government attack

  • 9 years ago
Colombia’s FARC rebels have ended a ceasefire after they said government troops killed 26 of their fighters during a raid on a jungle camp in Cauca where they have a strong presence.

The FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) slammed Santos for “incoherence” in seeking peace while his military attacked them.

“The suspension of the unilateral ceasefire was not in our sights … but the incoherence of Santos’ government has achieved it,” the FARC said in an statement on its website.

The FARC statement repeated the group’s demand that the government also declare a ceasefire “for the health” of the process and to prevent further casualties, but Santos has refused to halt offensives until peace is signed.

Minutes before the rebel statement, Santos urged the group in a televised address to accelerate the pace of talks. He encouraged an end to the “spiral of violence, hate and vengeance” and praised the armed forces for their efforts.

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