Ambulance drone: A flying defibrillator that can save hundreds of people having heart attack

  • 9 years ago
Dubbing it ‘ambulance drone’, a student at a Dutch university has developed a flying defibrillator that can respond within minutes after a heart attack sets in.

“Around 800,000 people suffer a cardiac arrest in the European Union every year and only 8 per cent survive,” said Belgian-national Alec Momont, the developer of the device.

“The main reason for this is the relatively long response time of emergency services of about 10 minutes, while brain death and fatalities occur within four to six minutes.”

The ambulance drone is equipped with a camera and a GPS navigation system. Powered by six propellers, the the drone can reach a maximum speed of 100 kilometres per hour.

When someone suffers a heart attack, bystanders can call an emergency hotline and an ambulance drone is next dispatched.

Using a camera mounted on the drone, a staffer can then instruct bystanders to attach the defibrillator to the patient.

The drone can transport the device to someone in need inside a 12 km2 zone within one minute, significantly increasing the survival rate of patients.

Apart from the defibrillator, the developer hopes that the drone will be able to carry other medical supplies such as oxygen masks and insulin injections.

Momont aims to create an ambulance drone network in the Netherlands within the next five years. Each drone costs around €15,000, but Momont does not believe price will be an issue.

“I have calculated these at approximately €15,000 per drone, which is clearly a reasonable amount if you consider the number of lives that could be saved,” Momont said.


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