Superhighway Proposed To Link U.S. To Europe Through Russia

  • 9 years ago
Russian Railways president Vladimir Yakunin recently presented his proposal to build a transcontinental superhighway through Russia that would link the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

A massive project has been proposed that could provide a ground link for Europe, and the U.S. 

Russian Railways president Vladimir Yakunin presented his plan called Trans-Eurasian Belt Development at a recent meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. 

In it, he envisions a new road, rail, and utility system that will span the entire length of Russia, estimated at around 6,200 miles, and could connect with existing systems in Europe and the U.S. for continuous travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans.

No details were provided on how it would link Russia with Alaska, a 55-mile long distance at its shortest point.

The plan’s intention is to turn the country into a zone for high-tech industries and to connect Russians in the more isolated eastern reg
