Germany under Pressure: New Deal for Greece? | Quadriga

  • 9 years ago
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is calling on Europe to back down on austerity. That attitude has been met with sympathy from France, Italy and the United States. Germany’s insistence on sticking with tough austerity measures is leaving it increasingly isolated.
What effect will the power struggle between Tsipras, the EU and Berlin have on wider power relations in Europe? Could this result in a showdown after all? Is the prospect of a Greek exit from the Eurozone still on the cards?

What do you think? Write to us: quadriga(at)


Ulrike Herrmann – for several years political correspondent and business editor at the Berlin daily "taz".

Friedrich Thelen - worked for the leading weekly newspaper "Die Zeit" and the business weekly "Wirtschaftswoche", currently heading his own consulting office.

Theodore Kouvakas - worked as the Berlin correspondent for the Greek daily Eleftherotypia, now a freelance journalist for several greek media.

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