Florida Wildlife Considers Re-Establishing Bear Hunting Season
  • 9 years ago
Florida’s black bears have become both a nuisance and a significant threat in recent times, and the state is considering making hunting them legal once again.

Florida’s black bears have become both a nuisance and a significant threat in recent times, and the state’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is considering making hunting them legal once again.

Doing so has been prohibited for 20 years.

Since 2012 4 people have been attacked by bears and over the past decade sighting reports have increased by 400 percent.

One source of the problem has been identified as overpopulation.

Due to the density of their usual roaming grounds the bears are traveling further afield in search of space and food.

Florida Wildlife is proposing thinning the population by making licenses to hunt the animals available.

The season would last about a week and occur during the fall.

Prices of the permits could be as much as 100 dollars for Florida residents and 2 hundred for those traveling f