Loyalty Is Irrational: Keeping Up With How We Think

  • 8 years ago
Loyalty Is Irrational: Keeping Up With How We Think
Gamification Co - Concourse Exhibition Center
Customer loyalty has hit a turbulent period. Our dominant earn-and-burn loyalty program model, now more than 50 years old, is in decline. Social media continues to disrupt the brand-customer dialogue once controlled by corporations. And Millennials refuse to conform to the brand loyalty patterns of their parents and grandparents. So, what's a savvy marketer to do? Its time for a serious rethink, not just of our prevailing loyalty models, but our fundamental understanding of "consumers." This session will explore the question of why loyalty programs are in need of change, offer a re-framing for loyalty's next iteration, and introduce a new metric for effective customer engagement: "Selfie Value."

Barry Kirk
VP of Consumer Loyalty Strategy, Maritz Motivation Solutions