Death Penalty: Larry Omaha Jokes About Death Penalty in America! - Stand Up Comedy

  • 9 years ago
Larry Omaha jokes about the death penalty. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

I personally don't know much about the death penalty, but one thing I know for sure is that the death penalty is a really difficult subject to bring up. There are so many people who are pro death penalty, and the pro death penalty people include Larry Omaha in this bit...however he's a comic, so I can't tell if he's joking. I've heard all kind of death penalty arguments, and the death penalty arguments come from pros and cons, and I don't know who to believe. The first thing you need to look at, is what is the death penalty. Well, I don't know what is the death penalty exactly, but to me it seems its killing someone because that person made a crime very heinous. Death penalty seems a bit extreme, but then again the crimes are a bit extreme, sometimes death penalty could be just a way to send a message perhaps. Death penalty in America is something that actually gets publicized a lot. I remember the case of Tookie Williams, and the death penalty in America was split, everyone was torn. Another word for death penalty in America is death penalty in US. Whenever the death penalty in US is broadcasted, you are sure to hear many different arguments of why it's wrong, or why it's right. The death penalty facts are all over the internet, but the death penalty facts are in encyclopedias as well. The one thing that interests me about the death penalty is actually the death penalty methods. Larry Omaha tells great death penalty methods in this bit, and I really enjoyed them. For more hilarious stand up comedy, please subscribe to StandUpBits! And increase your daily funny.