What our prime minister said about protecting the Yazidis, that it might have happened to us, was very important

  • 10 yıl önce
Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated September 14th, 2014

- The prime minister said that some 2000 Yazidis have come to Turkey and that Turkey has also assumed responsibility for 20,000 Yazidis over the border. He added that 1.2 million Syrian refugees are being cared for in Turkey and that we have undertaken to look after them in the same way as the Ansar. He also told Turkish citizens ‘To be patient in the face of problems, because the same thing could have happened to us.’  

Adnan Oktar: Look, Tayyip Erdoğan has referred to this matter in the same words that I use. "Masha’Allah," this is something I have spoken of many times before. They never look at it in that way. They are always selfishly trying to put others down. 

My brother, if you had gone to another country under the same circumstances you would also expect affection and concern. One of our refugee brothers has committed a murder. A psychopath or sick person is bound to emerge out of 1 million people. It is very wrong to blame the other million people. That is very selfish and cruel behavior.

They have this idea of not letting others live in order that they can live themselves. But with that way of thinking there is no meaning to life, and it would be better not to live at all. It is better not to live at all than to live selfishly and savagely. One should live to live as a Muslim, not to live in a savage state.
