Within us there are intelligent people made out of the proteins

  • 10 yıl önce
Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated August 28th, 2014

- If we think of DNA as a book with thousands of pages, the code for protein in that DNA only takes up 3 lines. In order for protein to be manufactured, RNA has to come and take that code. But RNA needs assistant proteins to find those 3 lines. These proteins settle at the start of the code and emit signals, like the lights along a runway. They show where the code will be taken up from. There are other proteins at the end of the code. These proteins tell it to stop there.

Adnan Oktar: It is impossible to know this without believing in a Creator. That information by itself is enough. Protein is clever, it shows the way. It sees and hears, knows the most useful information and issues commands. Within us there are intelligent people made out of the protein. These people consist of protein alone.

- The duty of another protein is solely to identify out of date and damaged proteins. These are known as "ubiquitin proteins". They go and label damaged proteins and send the protein to a hormone. That hormone breaks the proteins down into amino acids and sends them off to be used again in the manufacture of proteins. In this way, some 176 million new proteins are synthesized in the body every day.