According to what Darwinism alleges, basically a single protein should form by chance

  • 10 yıl önce
Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated August 06th, 2014

Adnan Oktar: Let us describe a sign leading to faith.

- According to what Darwinism alleges, basically a single protein should form by chance. But it is impossible for a single protein to form by chance. Because there have to be other proteins and enzymes in order for a protein to form. And this is not sufficient for a protein to form. DNA also has to be present. Because the protein sequence is coded in DNA. And proteins have to be present in order for DNA to be there.

Adnan Oktar: It is insoluble.

- Yes. And in addition, for them all to come into being, they also have to be present in a living cell. Protein cannot come about in any other way.

Adnan Oktar: Evolutionists have now begun fantasizing that the first protein came from space. This is their new fairy tale. My brother, how did it come into being in space? What difference does it make? Are we not also in space? The earth is also in space.

It is harder in space, or even impossible. How could it form in the conditions in space when it did not form under the conditions on earth. Under negative conditions such as temperatures of minus 300 degrees, radiation and harmful rays. Since there is zero possibility of it happening on earth, the possibility of it happening in space is zero, zero, zero. Evolutionists are really in a pitiable position now.

They have admitted that evolution on earth is impossible. They say that life could not emerge on earth, but they say it came from space and that space creatures made it (life). So who made the space creatures, my brother? Please! For the love of God give it up! Pull yourselves together.

When they hold conferences about evolution, ordinary people cannot go as it is such an unpleasant experience. My brother, of course it is difficult to listen to lies and fantasies. It is hard to listen to total fabrications. Nobody goes, even though they provide free food. It really is an unpleasant experience. Three or four people go, but spend their time sleeping.

 (Viewer’s letter) Darwin must be turning upside down in his grave. A fantastic point.

He can turn somersaults if he likes. This is the truth. Nobody knew the structure of protein in Darwin’s time. Microscopes were very poor quality. Darwin imagined that the cell was just filled with water. He would have fallen down in prostration had he known that the cell had a system like the city of Istanbul.

But I do admire this about Darwinists. They do have feelings of shame. Well done to them. Congratulations. They must have feelings of shame since they are not making things up any more.

- As technology has advanced that have realized the importance of DNA. They used to think of mutation as an evolutionary mechanism that could affect DNA. Yet to date they have failed to show example of a beneficial mutation.

Adnan Oktar: My brother, evolution has been defeated on the subject of protein. You need a cell for protein to come into being. You need other proteins and DNA. Do you know what that means? It means zero possibility, 0….an infinity of zeros. It is impossible. God has baffled them with their own lies. They used to run riot over us. But I have explicitly and irrefutably shown that evolution is a lie. 
