Gilgamesh Animated Short

  • 10 years ago
Nothing is quite as it seems.
From the prospective of Enkidu he is sent by the gods to entertain Gilgamesh. When Enkidu incarnates he loses his connection to source and is left with a profound longing that he can't explain. He grows up a wild man and survives in the wilderness until he comes to Gilgamesh and becomes civilized. They become friends and agree to solve Enkidu's mystery by going on a quest. Meanwhile the watchers plot against them for it forbidden to achieve true enlightenment. Enkidu assists Gilgamesh in defeating and killing the Humbaba monster but afterwards Enkidu is killed by the watchers.

(not seen here Gilgamesh goes on his own quest for immortality to bring Enkidu back to life and ultimately fails) After a long life Gilgamesh dies and reunites with Enkidu in heaven and sees him in his glory.

Notes on symbolism:
- Enkidu matures into a man by receiving giving smokes and a playboy from Paddington Bear
- The doughnut around Gilgamesh represents his ignorance and isolation. It is removed in the end when he achieves enlightenment.
- That is the whole meaning of life.