Arts Avenue S1Ep05

  • 10 years ago
Gim Hong-sok: "Good Labor Bad Art"
Internationally recognized installation artist Gim Hong-sok addresses the question of the "subject of the artwork" in his latest solo exhibit. From the social consensus between artists and hired help to the changing value of artwork based on its material, Gim shares his views on ethical practices in contemporary art. Notable works on display include: Canine Construction, A Man Who Timidly Asks for A Handshake, and Good Critique Bad Critique Strange Critique.

Experience fusion food like no other with Bibap! Inspired by Korea's signature dish 'bibimbap' (rice mixed with vegetables and meat), Bibap is a nonverbal musical that blends cooking with beatboxing and B-boying among other genres of music and dance as well as martial arts. Performers also known as "chefs" prepare numerous dishes including sushi, pizza, and of course, bibimbap live on stage. Bibap is a true feast for the eyes and ears.

nep+ and rabito
Function meets fashion. Accessories for mobile phones are getting more creative than ever. For instance, there's the so-called 'bunny' cover with rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. It's cute and practical; the ears can be used to wrap around earphones, while the tail can be used to stand your phone vertically or horizontally. We look at some clever designs that will make you stand out from the crowd.
