Video marketing online | High Octane Traffic Systems

  • 10 years ago

This Video Marketing Services Training Webinar is put on weekly by the makers of Video Slingshot video marketing software. CJ Matthews, Lee Collins, and Jim Orr. Together we comprise High Octane Traffic Systems.

You could keep in mind CJ Matthews and Jim Orr come from Traffic Geyser, one of the original video marketing tools and the weekly internet marketing video training we did called FAQ Wednesdays. Each week we made you the most up to date in video marketing concepts and exactly what is video marketing and techniques that help hundreds of people are successful in their company. Lee Collins is best known from his highly successful Lead Profit Systems.

We are now aiming to rebuild that tribe again on their own. we offer a total video marketing online course and also one of the very best and cost effective video submission software application on the marketplace. If is called Video Slingshot video marketing software.

Benefits of video marketing is a significant subject. This is part 3 of an 11 part video marketing and marketing series cut from a webinar we had lately where we looked at a few of the video marketing concepts and exactly what is video marketing like we normally do consisting of leading 12 blunders that both beginner and experienced video marketers make.

If you would like to learn youtube video marketing then you need to see this series. In this specific video we discuss the problem of Poor Website Placement.

The whole series can be located in our YouTube Channel at:

To discover additional concerning who we are and Video Slingshot used for SEO Video Marketing, the mastermind group we are presently forming, and the tools and solutions we offer kindly join them each week where we do a real-time webinar and come see their internet site to view what We are now about.