Sanjay Dutt's 3-Year Old Makes Bollywood Debut

  • 10 years ago
While Sanjay Dutt is currently serving his jail sentence in Yerwada jail, look what his 3-year old Shahraan is up to! Well, we too were but reports seem to narrate a clean chit of Shahraan's debut in Sanjay's first home production, titled Hasmukh Pighal Gaya that also stars legends like Amitabh and Jackie Shroff! And no, Shahraan will not enact any of the characters in the film rather he will be a part of the famous song Kisi Ki Muskuraton Par Ho Nisar' from the film. Now isn't that woowww? So do leave your opinion in the comments section below and meanwhile, stay tuned to Moviezadda!