Five Month Old Rohingya baby from Asthma as She was stripped off access to medication

  • 10 years ago
Five-Month-Old Rohingya Baby Dies due to Blockage of Access to Medication

By SR Sittwe | Sittwe (Akyab) township, Arakan state
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A five-month-old baby suffering from asthma and other diseases passed around 10PM on 14th April 2014. No doctor was here to cure her. We tried our best to save her. But we couldn't save her. We are unable to send any of us Sittwe (Akyab) General Hospital because the doctors and the nurses at the hospital our people instead of giving them treatments.
The name of the deceased baby is Parmin. She's a daughter of U Baabulu (father) and Daw Zubaida (mother) living in the Manzi IDP (Internally Displaced People) camp No. 2 of Sittwe (Akyab) township, Myanmar.
What crime has she done that the government stripped her off access to medical treatments? We are, indeed, victims of slow-burning genocide!
