International Women's Day marked in Kyiv

  • 10 years ago
Kyiv’s Independence Square – which has been at the heart of anti-government protests – was a scene of reflection on Saturday, as people marked International Women’s Day.

While many of the demonstrators in the capital have been men, women have also been voicing their discontent.

A woman was among those killed in violence.

“I have come here with my sister and my mother. We’re taking the opportunity to come here as it’s a holiday. We’ll look, light candles and pray,” said Maria Bodnar.

International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world – to recognise female achievements.

“It’s so nice to celebrate 8th March in Maidan. Many people have congratulated us. We’ve been given some presents too,” said Katya Tsyovka, in Kiev.

“And talking about the role of women in this revolution, it’s really important. If there were no women here, there would be no tea and food for those at the barricades,” she continued.

Women’s Day is also about uniting and fostering change – something that is particularly poignant in this crisis-hit country.