Winter 2014 -- ☢ ELEVATED LEVELS of Radiation ☢ 69.2CPM in the Snow - St. Louis, Missouri

  • 10 years ago
Please get the word out on this. Nearly 70 CPM in the snow. Double the normal background levels of 37CPM on a calm non-precipitation day.

Date of the count Jan 09, 2014 -- taken on 2 inches of fresh fallen snow, returned elevated levels of radiation .. topping out near 70CPM.

The radiation return from this snow precipitation is returning more than DOUBLE the normal background amounts. Normal background in this area is approximately 35CPM.

Alert level is 100CPM. Today we are at 69.2CPM and 68.8CPM, plus a steady return on the CDV (civil defense) beta counter.

We started out with our first real snow storm of the year 12/14/2013 , giving even higher radiation readings at 81.4CPM:

Then, on 01/02/2014 , we went down to approximately 60CPM during the 2nd snow (that story was picked up by Drudge Report, Dailymail UK, Infowars, and several other media outlets):

The last snow, on 01/06/2014, we had 11 inches of precipitation during a long lasting storm, radiation returned approximately 45CPM :


This means small particles of radioactive material are indeed coming down in the precipitation. Past tests show around 30CPM in the same spot on a nice day with no precipitation.

Several past snow storms have produced similar results.. from 60CPM to 110CPM !! Last year in 2012, did multiple tests of the snow showing alert levels were reached last year.

See ALL my previous video tests at this location ( and other areas around the United States) here:


Today's test:

Performed one (double counter) 10 minute count, using two inspector alert geiger counters , and one CDV counter -- 450am central time , 01/09/2014 , 1/4 inch from source.

Results :


69.2 CPM (692 total) over the course of 10 minutes on


