How to Play the Blues- Guitar Lesson on 12 Bar Blues Progression in E

  • 11 years ago
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Would you like to know how to play the blues? In this guitar lesson, John Maclennan will teach you a basic rhythm blues riff that every aspiring blues player must know. As you can imagine there are hundreds of this kind of riffs so that´s why I really recommend you to learn some of the examples you can find in our youtube channel. These guitar riffs are very important in blues music, so once you have some of them down you will master like a 50 per cent of your blues guitar bag..
Ok, so... What is a riff? A riff is the part of the song that you will remember, it can be done with pentatonic, major or minor scales... it depends of the song and the context. For example, do you know Smoke on the water by Deep Purple? That is one of the most known riffs ever. Also the Enter sandman´s riff by Metallica.
The example of today´s lesson, it is more like a bass line, which is something very used in this popular music style. It´s basically a 12 bar blues progression where instead of playing full chords we just play single note lines. The riff is in E7 and of course we will have the traditional chords I-IV-V.
I also recommend you to listen to the greatest bluesmen of all time, such as BB King, Albert King, Robert Johnson, Stevie Ray Vaughan, etc. But as I always recommend, it is pretty important that you come up with your own ideas, which is the best advice for starting to find `your´ unique sound and style.
Alright, that is all for today... Anyway I suggest that you keep enjoying and learning from John Maclennan and all the stuff of! Where? In our free lessons at


