Davenport blues-Wilber

  • 17 years ago
Davenport Blues Wilber Bob 1975 The New York Jazz Repertory Orchestra with Dick Sudhalter on cornet.
Not only is is Dick a jazz scholar but also a accomplished cornettist who certainly studied the style of his idol, Bix Beiderbecke.
In 1974 he co-wrote the ultimate book on Bix.
'Bix, man and legend" is about the life of Bix including chronology and discgraphy, a must for Bix lover.
(Arlington House Publishers ISBN 0-87000-268-6)

Bob Wilber charted this tune completely including the solos. It is unique to see musicians of this caliber, who can express themselves stylistically and consequently have made their own sound, come together and play so close to the original recording done in 1927 by Bix Beiderbecke and his Gang.