The whole world can trust Hakan Fidan with their minds at peace

  • 11 yıl önce
Didem Ürer: Last week reports were published in the world press claiming that Hakan Fidan is the most important person who organized the Syrian opposition and that he is close to Iran. Former US Ambassador James Jeffrey, in his interview with Wall Street Journal said; " Hakan Fidan is the face of the new Middle East" and stated that he is not really a friend of the US.  

Adnan Oktar: Well, they can trust Hakan Fidan, the whole world can. I guarantee that, insha'Allah. He is a very brave man. He is a religious man. He is a very trustworthy person who thinks deep, who loves his homeland, his country, who takes great pleasure from the Islamic Union, from the Turkish-Islamic Union. Let me state that much so that you could understand. He is such a brave man. Since I am giving such a guarantee, the whole matter should be closed. Masha'Allah. Yes Didem, I am listening to you.

Didem Urer: About this, it is claimed that Hakan Fidan's independent attitude in respect of Syria and Egypt disturbs CIA and Mossad, that it even annoys them and that both of those intelligence agencies are making attempts to defame Turkey's reputation over incidents like Gezi Park and Syria.

Adnan Oktar: Well, they cannot do anything with Gezi or anything. Turkey is a very great country. Let us compare these attempts to a rabbit walking on a lion. No such thing can be attained by that. Furthermore, how nice that in Gezi incidents youngsters showed the world that Turkey is a democratic country, that there is a lively, dynamic Turkey. Our people played pots and pans.. That was nice as well. That showed that they are able to protest some things when they feel like it. The world saw this, they saw the democratic face of Turkey. That was nice. But of course the things they've done with Molotov cocktails, with bombs etc. were unacceptable, these are ignominies, these were against good conscience. Especially attempts against the police officers. They are protecting our lives, our possessions, our honor and they are putting their lives on the line to defend those. They are all very young men and attempting to injure them would be against good conscience. But Turkey will always go towards better, Turkey will grow and become Turan. Turkey will grow and embrace the whole Islamic Union. A great Turkish-Islamic Union, a great Islamic Union will be established. There are some secret heroes [striving to achieve that] and some evident heroes, there are some brave men working to that end. Everyone is putting their efforts from one end. And Hakan Fidan is working from that end. He indeed has a sincere effort and it can be spotted. That is a successful effort in front of the eyes of the whole world. He wouldn't do anything crooked. He is a man of good conscience, insha'Allah. Yes Didem I am listening to you.

Didem Ürer: Master, Cem Küçük wrote that the attack towards Hakan Fidan was actually made to send a reference to our PM Erdoğan and that the Neocons of the US are in an alliance with Israel,  Germans and England to divide Ak Party.

Adnan Oktar: Well then they've undertaken a very difficult job. It wouldn't matter where ever they land on, nothing would ever come from that. These are all vain attempts. The philosophical foundation of Turkey is a good one. What is the philosophical foundation? We've routed Darwinism, materialism. Consequently we've intellectually broken the hands and legs of the Communist, Marxist way of thinking with science.  The government's hands are at ease at the moment. But if we hadn't defeated Darwinism, materialism, if the philosophical basis of the government were corrupt… And that was the case in the time of the Democratic party and they've defeated them in an instant. Also at the time of Demirel, the government lacked the philosophical basis, they didn't have a foundation, a stand point. The governments were always aloft, in the time of Menderes, in the time of Özal the governments were always aloft, they just survived, God protected them. The right wing barely survived. But right now, we've planted their legs on steel. Once we've defeated Darwinism, materialism, even a weak government could stand comfortably on this firm foundation. And if you pay attention you'll see that they remain standing firmly. Everyone is supporting such attempts trying to pull them down but no such thing happened and it won't. That is because there is the Promise of God, the Islamic Union will be established, Mahdi will appear, the Prophet Jesus Messiah will come.  In my opinion, Jesus has come, I understand that from the false Messiahs.

Didem Ürer: Yes.. Wall Street Journal is the newspaper of Neocons. In this article, in between the lines, they employed a threatening language that threatens PM Erdogan and Hakan Fidan and that has been intensely criticized saying that the US is acting on a logic demanding Turkey to work with th


