Brazilian Researchers Say Math Formula Could Predict Murder Rate

  • 11 years ago
A new study from Brazil shows that there is a correlation between population size and the murder rate in urban cities. 

More than half of the world’s population now lives in cities.
A new study from Brazil using data from various cities within that country shows that there is a correlation between population size and the murder rate in urban cities.

A mathematical formula has been found that can predict how many murders will occur based on the size of the population.

By looking at data sets on other urban problems like child labor, illiteracy, and unemployment, the researchers determined that these could also be predicted using a mathematical formula related to population size.

According to the study, the rate of these problems grows, as the population of the cities gets bigger.

One of the co-authors of the study from the State University of Maringa, Brazil said: “While this work is not focused on preventing crime... I believe that unveiling relationships between crime and urban metrics can help to guide public policies towards more effective investments, and, consequently, to help prevent crime.”

Other experts argue that the formula is not an accurate way to predict crimes like homicide, because there are many factors that come into play, like emotional and circumstantial situations.
