The Child Priority ° Remixed | Parental Alienation Documentary

  • 11 years ago
Parental Alienation Documentary


Special Thanks To Craig Childress, All the professionals featured, to the Family Matter TV show project a great production that focuses on the better family.

This documentary, outlet project has been religiously stalked by the alienators who are not named in it, but know their story is in it. They have religiously stalked anti-alienation protest, facebooks groups also which contain professional video after professional video explaining in great detail how harmful this is for children. The alienators will not stop. they are just like other child abusive criminals - they are sick they cannot help themselves. The must do they evil deeds and already it's been years= at the direct expense of my child. For 7 years a deep emotional brainwashing and emotional molestation campaign has ensued with multiple captains in it's deployment.New Jerry Springer contestant like boyfriends knowing the situation only 6 months, have been used under the guise of 'protection' have physically threatened me to come near my own child.

This documentary, was rushed couple of week editing and recording project for a Paul Revere video competition at In the midst of the depression a targeted parent experiences, a Bishop I spoke with often suggested trying to do something to help alienated kids in general, to relieve the inner pain I was experiencing at that time. Other friends begged me to just do anything productive, any kind of busy work. In parental Alienation suffering there is nothing else that is on the mind of the victims of it.

The film is rough cut, but well addresses the issue of parental alienation. I recorded all the interviews myself and all other material was from the public domain - fair use.

A final movie under a new title is still in the works...One day it will be here.... also very well done, and cutting the head of my own personal demons and dragons.
