Injustice Kryptonite Council Podcast #1 (featuring Tom Brady, Pig of the Hut, Reo & M2dave)

  • 11 years ago
(WARNING: 3 1/2 hours)

Featuring OBS|EMP Tom Brady, OBS|EMP REO, TFA|AK Pig of the Hut, and m2dave... This is a new Podcast we randomly decided to do and covered a ton of topics. We might have started off slow, but we got going and covered a lot. Good listen for those looking to pass some time the way we use to do so with KTP (legendary).

Subjects Covered and discussed:
Frost (A lot)
Bored With Injustice? Excited?
Player Retiring
Stock Markets
MK9 dead
UFGT/ect = Major/Local
Stage Rules
New 52 Mafia ???
Attack of Alice
Killer Instinct Craze + why people want to go back to MK's 10-0 MUS when Inj feels more balanced
"Deathstroke RULEZ injustice"
NRS Props
Character you've played many might not know who will make noise
Tom Gets no respect - UFGT Panel
CEO predictions
Tons More

-via testyourmight
