Critical Minute- Will the Real Superman Please Stand Up

  • 11 years ago
Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s...Jesus?

The latest Superman blockbuster from Warner Brothers, Man of Steel, has attracted the expected comic book and action film fans, but it’s also bringing in a targeted Christian audience.

The studio reached out to a Christian public relations firm to help build the image of Jesus being the ultimate superhero, and directly relatable to Superman and the new film. Information has been provided to religious leaders all over the country suggesting that the similarities between Jesus and Superman provide for a perfect sermon, and notes are available on the Man of Steel Ministry Resource Site. The site includes a trailer for the film and suggests that pastors encourage their congregations to see the film.

According to the United States Census Bureau, around two hundred million adults in the US identify themselves as Christian- a statistic that Hollywood hasn’t overlooked. Relating the secular film to a Christian audience is likely to boost the revenue and attendance for Man of Steel, though the tactic has its opponents.

Is the targeted use of religion in marketing and PR an ethical faux-pas, or a brilliant initiative? Let us know what you think on our facebook page!
